Monday, June 8, 2009


Hello everybody!

I am writing ya'll from West Palm Beach, Fl and it has been so encouraging to get support from everybody! I left my house yesterday at 6 AM! (Shout out to Ashley for being crazy and coming to see me off at 5:45 AM! Love you!) I arrived yesterday afternoon and met my team members! They all seem like great people and although we are all very different, I think that God is going to use those differences in a mighty way. We are staying here a few days to learn about the different culture, social norms, and meet other Edgers that are traveling to other parts of the world! At one of the sessions for the Africa teams we met a couple that was just awesome! It's been neat to meet so many people with the same passion to serve the Father.

My first challenge has been presented to me. It is not culturally acceptable in Africa to use the left hand when eating, greeting, receiving gifts, etc. because it is considered unclean.
I tried eating chicken fingers without my left hand and failed.
Hopefully repetitious practice will remedy that!

I found out something that makes me think I might be secretly African...they are never on time! ha but ofcourse I am working on that! ;-)

Things to reflect on:
1. It is important to have a 'can do' attitude. An attitude that reflects optimism in all situations!
2. It's not about me.
3. Everybody we come in contact with is an image bearer of the Father and they are somebody that He loves whole heartedly therefore we are called to love them as well (even the more difficult personalities ha!)

On that note, I cannot wait to update and let ya'll know what it is like once I get over there!
Until then keep speaking to the Holy one about our trip and the people we will encounter!!

1 comment:

  1. praying for you and your group, as is my bible study! i am eagerly awaiting your next update :)
